We are a business group with stakeholding from Italian and international investors, established in 2015 to support a new philosophy inspired by the principles of the circular economy in the ceramic sector.

Our core business is the manufacturing of high-thickness tiles for manufacturers and major Italian and international companies. We are absolutely convinced that the potentialities of porcelain stoneware are remarkable and still to be further enhanced.

That’s why we focus strongly on research and technological innovation, style and manufacturing. We encourage ongoing exploration of new ways of application and new features of a material that can play a key role within the realms of contemporary design for outdoor paving, including contexts as yet unexplored by the ceramic sector.


Our mission is to apply the grounds of the circular economy in the sector of ceramic tiles, in order to trigger an upstanding process aimed at preventing materials and other resources from being consumed, or worse, squandered.


Pioneering soul, talent and high-level skills subject to a constant upgrade: these are the main features of our human resources, from the managerial staff, R&D operators through to hundreds of skilled labourers who work at the forefront to guarantee products with the highest quality standards.

Human values are the most important and essential heritage on which we can rely on to look to the future with trust and to give life to our projects.

We adopt these principles at different levels: from the technological-productive level, by reusing those materials deriving from municipal waste which would otherwise be destined to landfill, to the industrial-occupational level, by funnelling the production towards operational plants which had interrupted or drastically decreased their activities due to the economic crisis.
Such choice has led us to salvage 480 jobs threatenedby the crisis and to create new, skilled employment in those areas affected by occupational issues, especially in the last few years.



Our plants are located in Anagni and Roccasecca, both in the province of Frosinone, and in Gualdo Tadino in the province of Perugia.

After a major reconversion projects, our technologically, logistically
and productively advanced plants operate at full speed, and this makes us the biggest manufacturing company involved in the production of ceramic tiles and other surfaces in Central-Southern Italy and, more broadly, outside the traditional industrial districts.

We have successfully redeveloped on an industrial and occupational level an area that is still in a critical phase.


In order to support and enhance the criteria of quality, environmental sustainability and the principles of the Circular Economy, we have chosen with conviction to certify all our processes and products.

The following certifications relate to Saxa Gres, a business group of which Grestone® Urban Pavings is a member.










The certifications received confirm Grestone® Urban Pavings’ vocation for circularity, placing the company at the highest level in terms of international competitiveness.

The ISO 9001:2015 certification refers to the management of the quality system related to the design, production, and sale of porcelain ceramics for outdoor flooring.

ISO 14001:2015 relates to the environmental management system and certifies the practices adopted by the company with respect to energy and resource consumption, as well as low impact, again with respect to design, production and sale of porcelain stoneware ceramics for outdoor flooring.

The international certification ISO 45001:2018 Management Systems for Occupational Health and Safety – Requirements and Guidance for Use – sets minimum standards of good practice for the protection of workers worldwide.

Grestone® Urban Pavings focuses utmost attention on the safety and health of employees, as well as external staff, which is why it has received this important certification.

ISO 26000:2010 is an international standard that provides guidelines on Corporate and Organizational Social Responsibility.

It aims to guide companies in adopting a responsible approach and stakeholder engagement.

Due to its active and purposeful approach to recognizing its social responsibility, resulting in the identification of internal and external categories, Grestone® Urban Pavings was also able to receive this international certification.

In addition, the Saxa Grestone product has been certified according to ISO 17889-1. Sustainability standard for ceramic tiles and installation materials-Part 1: Specifications for ceramic tiles.

In 2023, Grestone® Urban Pavings received confirmation of the EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating (for the second consecutive year), a recognition that certifies the sustainable management of business processes, with more than 20 parameters based on environmental, ethical and social performance.